The current global pandemic has hastened the arrival of one reality of modern grad school: the remote PhD defense. Until recently, grad students may have had a committee member or two attend their defense remotely or live-streamed their defense for out-of-town friends and family, but 100% virtual PhD defenses were relatively rare. Navigating a remote …
Grad school can be a challenging experience even without the added stress of a global pandemic. For many, the abrupt transition to remote grad school life brought with it a host of new difficulties and pitfalls. Now deep into this crisis, many students are still engaging in remote grad school. That’s why I want to …
Obtaining grants and scholarships is one approach to funding college that is overly stated yet largely underutilized. There is gift aid available federally and oftentimes also from your state or local governments.
We all have our favorite blogs that we follow religiously, maybe even anticipating new posts each week to keep us inspired or give us a break from our predictable daily routine. It’s even more fun to discover new blogs to add to one’s repertoire, especially when it comes to writing—and staying consistent with it. Did …
Have you ever wondered about the origins of some of our favorite holiday words and traditions? Like, why is a poinsettia considered a winter holiday plant? And why do we kiss underneath the mistletoe? Plus, did you know that the generic term “menorah” actually applies to the candelabrum used in Temple year-round? Whatever you’re celebrating …
Blog content is a great way to establish credibility for your company’s website while simultaneously increasing brand awareness and improving ROI. Research shows that a large percentage of blog readers, roughly 74%, trust content that appears objective when educating readers about particular topics—these visitors are far more likely to become future customers. For blog content …
Back to school already, where did the time go?! Even if you’re well rested and ready for the new school year (which I never was at the end of the summer, by the way!), it can be tough picking up where you left off with your writing. You’ve likely lost some of the momentum that …
Catching readers’ attention online today is harder than ever. You might have seen the astounding statistics about the sheer volume of content being released on a daily basis: Nearly 2 million new blog articles are posted everyday. Readers are literally being flooded with information. With so much content out there, it can be extremely difficult …