When you’re deep in the weeds of dissertation research and writing, it’s extremely common to feel isolated and overwhelmed. The path of writing a dissertation is anything but straight, and challenges will inevitably crop up that can leave you questioning whether you’ll ever see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you’re feeling …
Passing the bar exam is no small feat, and for many law school graduates, the essay portion is one of the biggest hurdles. The hardest part isn’t knowing the law — it’s articulating your knowledge clearly, concisely, and under the intense pressure of a timed exam. In states like California, the bar exam essays can …
“This grad. school thing is a walk in the park,” said no graduate student, ever — at least no one I’ve ever met. If you find graduate school hard, you’re not alone. It was designed that way. By definition, graduate school — especially doctoral programs — is intended to challenge you to hone your research, …
If you feel like you’ve completely emptied your tank toward your PhD, you’re not alone. After all, depending on the discipline, around 30-40% of PhD candidates never complete their program. So kudos to you for making it this far. The thesis submission process is the final hurdle, which means you’re nearly there. To get through this last …
The process of how to formulate a research question is daunting for many graduate students — and for good reason. One of the cornerstones of any research endeavor is the formulation of a strong, clear, and concise thesis research question. It serves as a guiding star for your research project. It also provides direction, defining …
You’ve worked tirelessly for years, finally producing your full dissertation and submitting it to your committee with positive results. Now you stand on the brink of one of your most significant milestones: your dissertation defense. This momentous event signifies the culmination of your hard work and the gateway to your future academic and professional career. …
As a graduate student preparing for your thesis or dissertation research, you may feel overwhelmed by the first significant hurdle — identifying a research topic. From idea conception, to finding a suitable supervisor, conducting the academic literature search, writing your proposal, and preparing for the dissertation defense, completing your doctorate may feel like a daunting task. The …
As Ph.D. students, one of the first—and arguably most crucial steps in your research journey is performing an effective academic literature search. While it might seem daunting given the vast ocean of scholarly publications and databases available, a well-executed literature search can provide you with the insights and resources needed to frame your research question, …